FAQs: Mapping the 891 Tag (CONSER Captions and Patterns Tag) in SirsiDynix Symphony
The purpose of the CONSER (Cooperative Online Serials) Patterns and Holdings Project is to develop a “universal” holdings record for as many serial titles as possible, beginning with current publications. For MARC 21 records, the 891 tag is used to store the standardized caption and pattern information for these holdings records.
• | Table of 891 to SirsiDynix Symphony Serial Pattern Values |
• | 891 tag details |
• | 891 Tag Mapping Idiosyncrasies |
• | About the Frequn fixed field in the 008 |
• | Creating serial control for records with an 891 tag |
Table of 891 to SirsiDynix Symphony Serial Pattern Values
The following table describes how the 891 subfields will be mapped to SirsiDynix Symphony serial control patterns. For information about the 891 tag standard, see the Library of Congress Web page, Instructions for Using 891 to Record Captions and Pattern Data (http://www.loc.gov/acq/conser/conserhold/guidelines5.html#5.1).
891 Subfields |
SirsiDynix Symphony Serial Control Pattern |
a – First level of enumeration (M) |
Level 1 enumeration |
b – Second level of enumeration (NR) |
Level 2 enumeration |
c – Third level of enumeration (NR) |
Level 3 enumeration |
d – Fourth level of enumeration (NR) |
Level 4 enumeration |
e – Fifth level of enumeration (NR) |
Level 5 enumeration |
f – Sixth level of enumeration (NR) |
Level 6 enumeration |
g – Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
h – Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
i – First level of chronology (RA) |
Chronology Type |
j – Second level of chronology (NR) |
Chronology Type |
k – Third level of chronology (NR) |
Chronology Type |
l – Fourth level of chronology (NR) |
Chronology Type |
m – Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
n – Pattern note (NR) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
o – Type of supplement or index |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
p – Number of pieces per issuance (NR) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
u – Bibliographic units per next higher level (RA) |
Limit field for corresponding enumeration level |
v – Numbering continuity (RA) |
Continuous check box for corresponding enumeration level |
w – Frequency (NR) |
Publication Cycle |
x – Calendar change (NR) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
y – Regularity pattern (RA) |
Publication Cycle |
z – Numbering scheme (R) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
3 – Materials specified (NR) |
No equivalent in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns |
8 – Link and sequence number (NR) |
Null |
The following section describes the 891 tag subfields and how these are mapped to the SirsiDynix Symphony patterns.
Enumeration Mapping
The following sections describe the mapping of the 891 enumeration subfields.
Enumeration Levels $a–$h
Enumeration Levels in $a–$h are loaded into the corresponding enumeration levels in the serial control pattern. Subfields $a–$f directly correspond to the six levels of enumeration in the SirsiDynix Symphony pattern.
For example,
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 4

A plus sign (+) can appear in subfields a-f, indicating ordinal values. SirsiDynix Symphony will suppress the plus sign value.
Alternative Numbering $g–$h
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings in SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
Chronology Mapping
The following sections describe the mapping of the 891 chronology subfields.
Chronology Levels $i–$m
The Chronology Levels in $i–$l will determine the format of the date. SirsiDynix Symphony groups $i–$l as one entity and matches them to a Chronology Type in the SirsiDynix Symphony policies.
Values used to code these subfields are contained within parenthesis and can include the following.
For example:
891 $9 853 $8 1 $ a v. $ b no. $ i &$40;year&$41; $j (season)
Chronology Only/No Enumeration
It is possible that the 891 will only be coded with chronology values. According to MARC 21, when this is the case the chronology captions are not entered in $i–$m. Instead, chronology is stored in the subfields normally used by enumeration, $a–$h. For more information, see http://www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/echdcapt.html.
$n Pattern Note
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for the pattern note into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
For example,
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 92 $v c $i (year) $j (month) $w d $x01,04,07,10 $y cd0704/0705,1224/1225 $y ce2185/186,358/359 $n Based on v.11,no.2172/2173, Dec.24/Dec.25 2001
$o Type of Supplement or Index
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for the supplement or index type into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
For example,
891 20 $9 854 $8 1 $a (year) $o buyer’s guide $w a $3 1998 LIC
$p Number of Pieces per Issuance
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for number of pieces per issuance into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
For example,
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 12 $v r $i (year) $j (month) $p 6 $w f
Lower Levels of Enumeration/Chronology
Publication pattern information for lower levels of enumeration/chronology are input in subfields $u, $v. Three other pattern subfields, $w, $x, and $y, hold pattern values that pertain to the whole publication (its frequency, its point or points of calendar change, and its regularity pattern).
If pertinent, an additional pattern subfield, $p, number of pieces per issuance, may also be added. For more information, see http://www.loc.gov/acq/conser/conserhold/guidelines5.html#5.1.
$u Bibliographic Units per Next Higher Level
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for this value into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
For any secondary and lower levels of enumeration the number of parts issued before the number of the level directly above increments, and this number is input in subfield u.
For example, if there are twelve issues in Volumes 1, 2, and 3, the number of secondary units per primary unit is 12, and subfield u is 12. When 12 units are published in volume 4, that number will increment, and the next issue to appear should (granting no change in pattern) bear the volume number 5 as part of its designation. Each level of bibliographic unit has its own $u, which may have the value “var” or “und” if the value varies or is unknown.
As another example, Quarterly issues form an annual volume
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 4
As another example, three issues per internal volume, each in an unknown number of parts
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 3 $c pt. $u und
As another example, ten issues per volume
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $$a v. $b no. $u 10
Values var and und
When “var” or “und” are present in $u, no data is mapped to the Limit field in the enumeration of the SirsiDynix Symphony serial pattern.
$v Numbering continuity
Determines for any secondary and lower levels of enumeration their behavior when the level above increments. This number is input in subfield $v.
For example, when Volume 1 increments in the first preceding example, the secondary level of enumeration restarts if Vol. 2, no. 1 is the next issue; it continues if the next issue is Vol. 2, no. 5.
As another example, 5 numbers per volume, internal numbering restarts with each new volume
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a anno $b fasc. $u 5 $v r
As another example, 6 numbers per volume, internal numbering increments independently
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a año $b no. $u 6 $v c$w
Frequency Mapping
Determines, as closely as possible, the frequency (publication interval) of the serial. This value is input in subfield $w. This subfield is input after the last chronological caption used.
Value |
Description |
a |
annual |
b |
bimonthly |
c |
semiweekly |
d |
daily |
e |
biweekly |
f |
semiannual |
g |
biennial |
h |
triennial |
i |
three times a week |
j |
three times a month |
k |
continuously updated |
m |
monthly |
q |
quarterly |
s |
semimonthly |
t |
three times a year |
w |
weekly |
x |
completely irregular |
An example of a Semiannual supplement
891 20 $9 854 $8 1 $a suppl. to v. $i (year) $w f
An example of 2 semiannual volumes, each with 4 numbers
891 20 $9 853 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 4 $v r $w 8

There is no equivalent mapping for $wk in SirsiDynix Symphony. When a bibliographic record contains a $wk, this indicates that the publication is published more frequently than daily. If an incoming bibliographic record contains a $wk, it is suggested that you do the following.
In the Create Serial Control wizard, create a control record with a daily publication pattern, and create daily predictions.
In the Modify Serial Control wizard, create single issues (or perhaps multiple issues) for the same days.
$x Calendar change (NR)
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for calendar change into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
Determines, for the entire serial, at what point or points within the year the numbering of the primary bibliographic unit increments. This value is input in subfield $x using the following codes. Any multiple codes are separated by commas; any values from 1-9 are left-justified with a zero in the unused position.
An example of Possible calendar change values
(months) 01-12
(days) 01-31 (combined months/days: 0101 - Jan. 1)
(seasons) 21 (spring), 22 (summer), 23 (fall), 24 (winter)
$y Regularity pattern
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for regularity pattern into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
A regularity pattern subfield is needed only for serials whose periodicity varies from the normal pattern for the frequency by regular omissions or combined numbers. The subfield may be structured in more than one way, using chronology or enumeration code values (or both).
$z Numbering Scheme
SirsiDynix Symphony accommodates some of what $z represents in the SirsiDynix Symphony serial pattern. Values a and b determine the designation types for letter or number in the enumeration. SirsiDynix Symphony does not have equivalencies to c (Combined, first number), d (Combined, first letter), e (Symbol or Character).
$3 Materials Specified
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for this value into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
$8 Link and sequence number (NR)
Currently, there are no equivalent mappings for these values into SirsiDynix Symphony serial patterns.
891 Tag Mapping Idiosyncrasies
There are several 891 tag mapping idiosyncrasies.
• | Serial control pattern needs adjustment – After completing the Load Pattern work flow, the serial control pattern may require adjustment for several reasons: because incoming data could not be mapped to the pattern, not all the necessary data was in the 891, there were no corresponding Chronology Type or Publication Cycle maps, and so forth. |
• | Mapping the $i-l – This combination of subfields could result in matching multiple Chronology Type maps. If so, you will need to choose one map during the Load Pattern work flow. |
• | Mapping the $w: – There could be multiple Publication Cycle maps that match the Frequency code. If so, you will need to choose one map during the Load Pattern work flow. |
About the Frequn fixed field in the 008
When you decide to load a serial publication pattern from an 891 entry, the Frequency fixed field in the bibliographic record is ignored. The pattern can then only be created by the actual data that’s within the 891 entry. The Frequency fixed field will be used should you decide the 891 entry does not accurately reflect the chronology and publication cycle of the serial, and you select the Load Frequency Pattern Template work flow instead.
Creating serial control for records with an 891 tag
To use the CONSER Publication Pattern Load feature, first the you will need to select the Prompt to Load Bibliographic Pub Pattern Data When Available behavior in the Create Serial Control wizard properties and the Replace Patterns helper properties. The Replace Patterns helper properties are set on the Helper tab of the Create Serial Control and Modify Serial Control properties.
Then, when creating a new serial control record (or modifying an existing record), if the bibliographic record contains an 891 entry, SirsiDynix Symphony will evaluate the subfields of the entry and match them to chronology type maps and publication cycle maps defined in SirsiDynix Symphony policies.
When the Load Pub Pattern window opens, do the following.
1 | In the Load Pattern window, the message “Pattern data is available in the MARC bibliographic record” displays, and below, a table of the 891 entries of the bibliographic record displays. The matching chronology type and publication cycle for each 891 entry appear in panes in the lower half of the Load Pattern window. As you select (highlight) each 891 entry, the chronology type and publication cycle lists are updated. (These policies are listed in the order of the 891 entries.) |
2 | Select the 891 entry with pub pattern data that best represents the chronology and publication cycle for this serial control. |
3 | Click Load Bib Entry Pattern Data, and the Patterns tab of the serial control record will automatically be populated with the chronology type and publication cycle values. |
4 | There may be two exceptions to this process. |
• | If an 891 entry can be matched to multiple chronology types or publication cycles, the matching values will be listed in the CONSER Chronology Type and CONSER Publication Cycle panes. In these panes, select (highlight) the values that best represent the chronology and publication cycle for this serial control. Click Load Bib Entry Pattern Data, and the Patterns tab will be populated with chronology type and publication cycle values. |
• | If you do not see an 891 that adequately represents the publication frequency for this serial, click Select Frequency Pattern Template, and the Select a Pattern Template window will open. This window displays matching pattern templates defined in serial control policies. Select a pattern template and click OK to load the pattern. If you click Return to Bib Entry List, the pattern will not load, and you will return to the list of 891 entries in the Load Pub Pattern window. |

If at any time you click Close in the Load Pub Pattern window, the wizard will attempt to match the Frequency fixed field in the bibliographic record. If there is no matching template, the Select a Pattern Template window will open, and you will be able to select a pattern template defined in serial control policies.
After loading an 891 pub pattern, if you decide that it was not the correct 891 entry to load, you can click the Patterns tab, then the Replace Patterns helper, and select a different 891 entry to load.
Even though the 891 entry loads a publication pattern into SirsiDynix Symphony, it may not be complete. Review the pattern and make additions or adjustments, if needed.
Related topics
CONSER Chronology Type Map Wizard