Duplicating a Serial Control Record

You may duplicate a serial control that is already connected to the title using the Create Serial Control wizard. However, the duplicate option is most useful in a multilibrary setting; only one library needs to set up a control and other libraries may duplicate the control.

If you click Duplicate Control, you may be prompted to assign a new library and holding code, depending on the wizard’s Prompt for Library when Creating a Serial Control behavior property.

The contents of tabs are exactly the same, with the following conditions and exceptions:

A new Control ID must be assigned. If your library has a special format for Control IDs, this value should be modified to the format used by the new serial control library.
If your library is configured to use serial distributions, the holding code that is selected when the record is duplicated is the same holding code that is used on the Distribution tab.
Order history is not transferred from the existing serial control record to the new one. Click Order History on the Subscription tab of the new record to link to order information, or link to a vendor in the new library.
Extended information is not duplicated and should be maintained separately.
If the existing record had any issues on the Expected, Received, or Claimed tabs, these issues will not be transferred to the new record. You may be prompted to generate predictions when the record is duplicated, or you may use the Generate Predictions for Expected Issues helper to begin receiving issues on the new serial control.
If the existing record had any routing lists associated with it, they are not transferred to the new serial control record.

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