Custom Names or Chronologies

If the SirsiDynix-defined chronology standards are used, such as JAN, FEB, MAR, etc., MARC Holdings may be generated that correspond to standard MARC naming conventions. Other chronology names may be defined, but will appear in MARC holdings fields exactly as they are typed, and will not be converted to MARC standards.
Each custom chronology increments with a four-digit numeric date value included in the Chronology field of the prediction record. The four digit date increments by one when all of the custom chronologies have been used, and the pattern begins again.
For example, beginning in the year 2003, the periodical American Heritage is scheduled to begin as a new subscription. The naming pattern is a variation of the month and bimonthly chronologies needed for a journal. This periodical would have Chronology Type of CUSTOM.
The If Custom, Enter List box on the Patterns tab would contain the following values.
The prediction record Chronology would contain the following value.
DEC/JAN 2004

If you are using CUSTOM for a chronology such as the 1st and 15th, remember that list elements like Jan 1 and Jan 15 are not valid since spaces cannot be included as part of the element.
The chronology list cannot include duplicate elements such as JAN,FEB,JAN.