Change Linking Number Helper
The Change Linking Number helper allows editing the serial control record’s link to the current 853 entry. It specifies the linking number that displays in subfield 8 of the of the 853. This field requires an override before allowing an edit, because it is a control field that typically should not be edited.
This helper sets the Holdings Link field for prediction records created after the linking number was changed. The Holdings Link number which specifies the linking number of the 853 entry to which the record should be linked may also be modified when an issue is received. This field also requires an override, although changing this field from zero (unlinked) can be done without an override. These linking number fields can be edited to correct any mistakes made by linking additional holdings records to a serial control record, after that serial control record has been in production.

The linking number (|8) of Captions entries (853, 854, and 855) must be unique across a serial control record’s list of holdings records. If a control record has caused the creation of three 853’s, and these 853’s are in three separate holdings records belonging to that control list, the next available linking number must be determined by checking all three of these records’ 853 entries if an 853 is manually added to one of these holdings records.
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