Selection List Search

To search selection lists, do the following.

After searching a selection list, you can click one of the following options.

If an individual selection list must be identified for the wizard action, you may select it and click the wizard action. For example, if using the Modify Selection List wizard, select a selection list in the table, and click Modify Selection List.
Search to search another selection list
Close to exit the wizard

If no text is typed when searching or browsing, and only the Selection ID index is selected, all selection lists in the specified library are retrieved.

You can double-click a selection list in the search hitlist to select it and perform the wizard action.

Search Types


The Search option locates and displays selection list records that contain the terms you typed in the search index you selected.


The Exact option displays a single record of the search index you selected. The Exact lookup is best for specific number or code searches. If the exact ID is not in the database, a message displays that the information was not found. For example, when searching by list ID, if you search MAIN-25, the order with that exact list ID will appear; MAIN-26 will not appear.


This search option displays the record that was most recently displayed or modified. The record that is displayed depends on the specific function of the wizard. The Current option displays only if a record of the type you are searching has been displayed or modified during your workstation session.