Invoice Line Information Output Selections

The invoice line number and the type of payment the invoice line represents is printed for all invoice lines. You may select any of the following options to customize the information that prints for the invoice lines.


Select this check box to print each invoice line’s amount information. The amount invoiced and the amount paid are included. If the library’s and vendor’s currencies are not the same, the exchange rate used to convert the amounts is included. The amounts invoiced and paid in both the vendor’s currency and the library’s currency are also included.

Audit Trail

Select this check box to print each invoice line’s audit trail, including the user access of the staff member that created the invoice line and the date, and the user accesses of those staff that edited the invoice line and dates.


Select this check box to print each invoice line’s check number (if available) and payment date information. If a payment was never made, this line prints with the text ”Not paid.”


Select this check box to print each invoice line’s extended information, also referred to as additional information which is its heading in the output. If there are no entries with specific text, the word ”none” prints. If there is extended information, the entry label and any text included in the entry prints.


This check box prints information about records linked to the invoice, such as the order or fund record. If an order is printed, the order ID, fiscal cycle, and associated order line number are printed, as well as the number of copies ordered on the associated line, and the total amount of the order line. The same fund information, the fund ID, number of copies funded, and total amount funded, displays whether funding or miscellaneous output is selected. If both are selected, fund information is printed only once.


Select this check box to print tax handling information for each invoice line. Tax handling information for up to three taxes on each invoice line may display in the report output.

Note: This check box displays only when the Invoice Tax features are configured.