Holds Information Selections

The Holds Information selections determine what hold information is to appear in the output of a report. The following Holds Information selections may or may not be available, depending on the report.

If you decide to print holds information, you must make a selection for both the Holds and Format options.


Select one of the following to customize the holds information output.

All prints information for all of a user’s holds.
Available prints only information for the holds that are available for the user to pick up.

Note: Only information about active holds will print in the report output.


Holds information includes the number of holds and the bibliographic information for the items on hold (such as call number, library, title, and author).

Select one of the following options to control the holds information that displays in the output of the report.

Brief prints only the number of holds and the bibliographic information for the items on hold.
Full prints the holds information that the Brief option prints, plus the user’s hold priority, the date the hold was placed, the date the hold expires and is no longer required by the user, the date the user was notified to pick up the hold item, the number of pickup notices sent, any hold comments, whether the item on hold is reserve material, whether the particular hold is available, the hold type (rush, standard, or none), and the library where the hold was placed.

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