Fiscal Cycle and Purchase Order Gadget
This gadget allows you to select a fund IDs for a field.
To use this gadget, follow these steps.
Click the Fiscal Cycle and Purchase Order gadget.  |
In the Fiscal Cycle field, select a fiscal cycle. This field is required. |
In the Library field, select an acquisitions library to see purchase orders only for that library, or leave the field blank to see purchase orders for all acquisitions libraries to which you have display access. |
In the Index field, select the primary search criterion to be used. The default is Order Number. This field can be left blank. |
In the Search For field, enter the text to use in the search.This field can be left blank. |
Click Search. A list of purchase orders matching the search criteria display. |
Use the left browse or right browse buttons to browse the complete purchase order list.   |
Select the purchase order you want from the list, then click the down arrow to add the purchase order to the selected purchase order list.  |
To remove a purchase order from the selected purchase order list, select the purchase order, and click the up arrow.
When you are finished selecting purchase orders, click OK. |
You can select multiple purchase orders in the same fiscal cycle. If you close and re-open the gadget, you can select purchase orders from a different fiscal cycle for the same report.
When you close the gadget, the selected purchase orders display in the Fiscal Cycle and Purchase Order field. The purchase orders are separated by a comma. For each purchase order, the acquisitions library, fiscal cycle, and purchase order ID are separated by pipe symbols (|).
For example, two purchase orders are selected for the MAIN-EAST library, each from a different fiscal cycle. In the Fiscal Cycle and Purchase Order field, the purchase orders display as follows.