Charge Information Selections

The Charge Information selections determine what checkout information is to appear in the output of a report. The following Charge Information selections may or may not be available, depending on the report.

If you decide to print charge information, you must make a selection for both the Charges and Format options.


Select one of the following to customize the charge information output.

All prints all current charges.
Overdue prints only the charges that are overdue.


Charge information includes the number of charges, date the item was charged, date the item is due, and bibliographic information. The bibliographic information for the item includes the call number, copy, library, title, and author.

Select one of the following options to control the charge information that displays in the output of the report.

Brief prints the number of charges, date the item was charged, date the item was due, bibliographic information, and the price as it displays in the Item Info section of the item record.
Full prints the charge information that the Brief option prints, plus the number of overdue notices that have been sent, the fine that has accrued for this particular charge, the date that the charge was last renewed, the number of times the charge was renewed, the date the item was recalled from the user, the number of recall notices that were sent, the current location of the item (which is usually CHECKEDOUT) and the library that charged the item to the user.

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