Remove Item Bookings Wizard

The Remove Item Bookings wizard allows booking record(s) for a single booking or a group booking to be removed.

To remove item bookings

If a Current record exists, click the Current information link to access the last record displayed, modified, or added. With the Remove Item Bookings wizard, you have the additional search option of Job ID.

Select the item for which you want to remove a booking or bookings, and then click Remove Booking.

Note: If you searched by Job ID, all bookings initially display, even those that are charged. If you select any bookings in the list for removal, the next window will only display bookings that are not charged, which is appropriate, since charged bookings cannot be removed.

For more detailed information about each booking click the glossary in the Patron Booking Starts or Patron Booking Ends columns.

Bookings may be removed only if they have not been checked out to a user.

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