FAQs: Understanding the Group Bookings Feature

Group Booking Basics

WorkFlows Java client’s Booking module supports group bookings. With group booking, related single-booking items can be grouped together for booking and check out as a single job. Booking Profile policies are created that link the single-booking items together, and group booking requirements lists indicate the quantity and delivery and return shipping methods for these items.

For example, a Booking Profile policy, MTGROOMGRP, was created to book meeting rooms. Any time a meeting room is booked, other related items are also set up for use. In the MTGROOMGRP booking profile, a meeting room, 15 chairs, and a VCR are grouped and booked as a single job.

Booking Profile Wizard

You can create group booking profiles using the Booking Profile wizard. Use the following attributes to define group bookings.

Profile Type — You can select the Group profile type to group single items together.
Requirements List — Using the Requirements List gadget, you can link the single profile items for the group booking and the number of items required, and list the quantity and shipping and delivery methods for these items. The group booking delivery shipping and return shipping methods supersedes the single item shipping methods.
Preparation Time — When calculating the time needed to prepare a group of items, consider the total amount of preparation time for the single profiles.
Cleanup Time — When calculating the time needed to post process a group of items, consider the amount of time required to clean up the single profile items.
Fixed Time Slots — Can be set up for the group booking. The group booking fixed time slots will override the single item profiles.
Rotate Copies — Is inactive when the profile type is group.
Shippable — Is inactive when the profile type is group.

Create Booking Wizard

The Create Booking wizard supports the Group Booking Feature. Booking type properties display on the Defaults tab. When these properties are set to Group Booking, you can book grouped items.

Single Booking – Click Single Booking if booking single items.
Group Booking – Click Group Booking if booking items grouped together.When Group Booking is selected, make the following selections.
Booking Group – Select a booking group from the drop-down list. Booking groups are defined in the Booking Profile policies. Only Booking Profiles defined as Group display.
Book All or Book Selected – If Book All is selected, the user cannot change the requirements list. If Book Selected is selected, it is possible to change the number of items for a requirement, even down to zero.
Booking Pickup Library– Select the default pickup library for the booking.
Media Desk– Select the default media desk when creating a booking.
When creating a group booking with the Create Booking wizard, a new Requirements tab will display. On this tab, users can see the single item profiles that are grouped together, how many of the single items should be booked, and the delivery and return shipping methods for the group booking.

Other Booking Wizards

The booking wizards support group booking as follows.

Checkout Bookings — When checking out a group booking by Job ID, all items that are part of this group and checked out will receive the same due date. The staff member will have the option to select all items for check out or check out individual items. When one item of a group is selected for checkout, a message will display, and the staff member will have the option to view all the requirements for the booking.
Display Bookings — When displaying a group booking, the individual items will appear on the Requirements List tab.
Discharge Bookings — Each booking item is checked in individually.
Modify Booking Due Date — When modifying the due date of a group booking, the staff member will have the option to modify the due date for all items of the group or only select items of the group. If one or more items cannot have the due date extended, the user can either cancel the due date modification or modify only those dates that can be extended and see a list of the exceptions.
Remove Item Bookings — When removing item bookings, and an item of the group has been selected, the staff member will have the option to remove all items of the group booking (remove all bookings with the associated Job ID) or to remove only the selected booking.
Remove User Bookings — When removing user bookings, and an item of the group has been selected, the staff member will have the option to remove all items of the group booking (remove all bookings with the associated Job ID) or only removed the selected item.