SirsiDynix Symphony Administrator Tasks

The WorkFlows client enables users to work efficiently by allowing them to customize the system to reflect the tasks most commonly performed by a user or group of users. This customization, which involves setting default values for fields, default behaviors for wizards, and whether certain helpers are available, is controlled through a cascading series of configuration files called “properties.” As the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator, you can help increase productivity by setting up the properties for groups of users who do related tasks, such as the circulation desk staff or the cataloging department. In addition, some properties preset by SirsiDynix may not be the best choice for your site, so it is important to review the properties and adjust them to fit your local needs. Properties which use a policy name as a default value should especially be reviewed.

Another important aspect of WorkFlows is the method by which SirsiDynix Symphony administrators control access to the various wizards on the system. An attribute of the User Access policy, User Access List, allows SirsiDynix Symphony administrators to define which wizards are available for a given user or group of users. If your site wishes to limit certain staff users to certain functions, you must modify the user access lists.

After WorkFlows is installed, either as an initial installation or as an upgrade from an earlier version of SirsiDynix Symphony, the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator must perform the following tasks before implementing WorkFlows throughout the site.

Define site properties and sets of properties for each group of users
Modify User Access Lists to determine which wizards are available
Run the Correct Hold Information report when upgrading to update the catalog key and user counters

If you have been running the Correct Hold Information report nightly, check the number of records updated on the second and third night after the upgrade. If the number of records modified is zero on the second and third nights, this report will not have to be run nightly.

Understanding Properties

WorkFlows may use up to three sets of properties: the standard set of delivery properties (system), the local properties (site), and the local properties file (property.dat), that is created on a workstation when a user answers Yes to the following question.

Properties have been changed, save changes?

Property.dat is not the same file as prop.dat; do not remove prop.dat. You can remove property.dat from the WorkFlows directory on the workstation, but you will lose any properties that are saved to this workstation.

WorkFlows refers to these sets of properties in the following order.

For example, if the default property value for Item Type is set to BOOK in the system property file. As the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator, you could set the default property value for Item Type to be UNKNOWN in the site property file. Finally, on the desktop, you could set the default value for Item Type to TEMP; TEMP takes precedence at this desktop.

Setting Up Properties

The SirsiDynix Symphony administrator should log in, review the properties, then load/save properties to set values for any new wizard/helper properties. Sets of properties need to be created for your different groups of users. See the following section for more information.

Loading a Different Set of Properties, then Saving Changes to the Server

As a SirsiDynix Symphony administrator, you have the System Administrator User Access Level, which allows you to save properties to the server when exiting from the WorkFlows client. To load a different set of properties and edit them, do the following.

For more information, see Load Properties Wizard and Save Properties Wizard.

Modifying the User Access Policy

Modify the User Access policy Properties attribute to specify the WorkFlows property file you just modified or created.

The next time these users log into the WorkFlows client, they will be using the properties that you set up for them. WorkFlows will be referring to the values in the system properties file including any changes you made in the new properties file for their User Access.

If those users then make their own property changes on their desktop, they can save them to their workstation as permanent properties for themselves. While they won’t be able to make any changes to the Behavior or Helper properties nor will they be able to save changes to the server, they will be able to change the values on the Default Properties tab, such as default field values and option choices.

For more general information about the Default, Behavior, and Helper properties, go to the Understanding Properties topic.

See the User Access Wizard topic for more information.

Modifying User Access Lists

Before using WorkFlows for the first time, you should modify the User Access List to define which wizards are available for given sets of users. Until this task is completed, users may not use any wizards without typing an override. After upgrading, access lists should be reviewed as new wizards that become available as a part of an upgrade.

In a User Access policy, clicking the Access List tab displays folders that represent the SirsiDynix Symphony modules installed on your system. Folders for modules not available on your system appear in grey. Clicking the plus sign next to a folder displays the available wizards for a module. Selecting the User Access policy name check box selects all available modules and wizards. Selecting a module folder check box automatically selects all of the wizards within that module. Clear the check boxes for the modules and/or wizards you do not want this user access to have access to.

Utility contains a list of utility wizards, such as Load Properties and Save Properties, as well as Toolbar Management. The Update Staff Client Management wizard is also listed under Utility.

See the User Access Wizard topic for more information.

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