Track Dates Gadget
This gadget appears in the Track Dates field on the Circulation tab of the User Profile wizard. The Track Dates field and Track Dates gadget only appear on K12 systems.
Use the Track Dates gadget to indicate the track starting dates and track ending dates. If student tracks is defined in user's profile, and if due date falls on a day in which the track is off, then the due date is changed either to the starting date of next track or to the ending date of previous track.
To select track starting and ending dates
| 1
Click the Track Dates gadget.  |
| 2
Under In Session, select the month you want using the left browse button or right browse button.   |
| 3
Click the correct starting day on the calendar, and click OK. |
| 4
Under Until, select the month you want using the left browse button or right browse button.   |
| 5
Click the correct ending day on the calendar, and click OK. |
| 6
Click Add to add this track session to the Track Dates list. |
| 7
Add more track sessions, if needed. |
| 8
To modify a track session, select a session in the Track Dates list, make your modifications, and click Update. |
| 9
To remove a track session, select a session in the Track Dates list, and click Remove. |
| 10
When you are finished adding or modifying track sessions, click OK. |