Cross-Reference Deblinding Match Policy
The Cross-Reference Deblinding Match policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. This policy specifies whether deblinding of cross-references should be based on an exact heading match or a partial heading match.
Cross reference deblinding occurs in both e–Library and WorkFlows wizards’ hitlists, such as in the Item Search and Display wizard. Also, if an authority record contains scope notes (6XX fields), the heading will appear on the browse list even if there are no titles with that heading. The scope notes offer useful searching hints, and more. In WorkFlows, the scope notes display on the record view pane.
The Cross-Reference Deblinding Match policy appears on the Searching tab of the Global Configuration wizard. The default value for this policy appears in the Select a Policy window. To modify this value, select Cross-Reference Deblinding Match and click Modify. Click a radio button to select one of the policy attributes. Click Save to save your selection. The default value is Partial.
This policy displays the following attributes.
• | Partial |
• | Exact |
Click this radio button to set the Cross-Reference Deblinding Match to Partial. This specifies that the deblinding of cross-references should be based on a partial heading match. This is the default value, and is the best choice for most libraries.
Click this radio button to set the Cross-Reference Deblinding Match to Exact. This specifies that the deblinding of cross-references should be based on an exact heading match.
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