Manage Exchange Rules Wizard
The Manage Exchange Rules wizard is used to manage how exchange library groups or individual libraries exchange materials with each other.
The Manage Exchange Rules wizard permits you to manage exchange rules for each library. For example, when managing the rules for Branch A, you will see all the libraries that are in Branch A’s group(s). For Branch A, you can define whether or not it will receive or exchange to other libraries in the group. For example, Branch A exchanges to, but not from, Branches B and C; or Group 1 can send but not receive items from Branch A, and so on.
You will also see groups in which Branch A is not a member. For Branch A, you can define whether or not it will receive or exchange items to libraries in other groups. For example, Branch A exchanges items with other libraries in its group. However, Branch A has also agreed to exchange items with a branch in another group.
To manage exchange rules
1 | Click the Manage Exchange Rules wizard. |
2 | In the Select Exchange Library box, select the exchange library you want from the list. |
3 | Select or clear the From and/or To check boxes next to each exchange library/group you want this library to be able to exchange from or to. |
4 | Click Save to save your changes or click Cancel to exit this wizard without saving your changes. |

If the group has already specified that certain libraries should exchange to and from each other, the From and To check boxes will be unavailable. You will be unable to change these options unless you remove your library from the group.
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