Global Library Hours Wizard

The Global Library Hours wizard is used to globally update library closed days and closed dates. In this wizard, you can select the groups of libraries whose closed days/dates are to be modified, select the closed day/date values, and when you click Save, the Library policies of all selected libraries are globally updated.


The Global Library Hours wizard displays the following attributes.


The libraries displayed in this list are those that have the current station login's Library policy in their libraries' Library Hour Maintenance Libraries attribute. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries.

For example, if this policy is for the MADISON library, and MAIN, CARNEGIE and ORANGE libraries are included in this list, and also have MADISON listed in their libraries’ Library Hour Maintenance Libraries attribute, then the station login library users at MADISON can modify library closed dates/days for MAIN, MADISON, CARNEGIE, and ORANGE.

Note: Assuming that each Library policy name is 10 characters long, there is a limit of 1,000 libraries for this attribute. If Library policy names are shorter than 10 characters, more than 1,000 libraries may be selected.

Global Closed Dates

This attribute contains a list of dates on which the library is closed. No due date ever falls on a day the library is closed. If a due date would normally fall on a closed day it is moved forward to the first open day. Use the Global Closed Dates gadget to select the dates when the library is closed. Up to 64 closed dates may be selected. Ranges of dates, such as December 24-25, may be used as one closed date.

Important: If the Accrue Fine attribute in this policy is selected, do not remove closed dates when there are patron overdues pending that fall within one of the dates closed. Closed dates should remain in place until sufficient time has elapsed for patrons with overdue books to reach their maximum fine. For example, if overdue fines are $0.25 per day, and the maximum fine is $10.00, that maximum fine would typically be reached when the item is 40 days overdue. If during that 40 day time period, the library is closed for 7 days, it would take 47 days for the patron to reach the maximum fine. That range of closed dates should remain in the Library policy until 47 days have passed to avoid overcharging the patron.

Closed Days

This attribute sets the regular operating schedule for each library based on the days of the week that the library is open. Each day of the week, Sunday through Saturday, can be selected as Closed. No due date ever falls on a day of the week that the library is closed. If a due date would normally fall on a closed day, it is moved forward to the first open day.


This attribute indicates whether the date(s) entered should append to or replace the existing date(s) in the library policy or policies. By default, the new date(s) will append to the existing date(s).

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