Policy Operations for the Format Policy

Format policies may be created, displayed, copied, modified, or removed. The following procedures outline the general steps using the Display, Modify, Copy, or Remove operations.

Only one user at a time can work with policies. This is a safeguard to prevent users from modifying the same policy at the same time.


SirsiDynix strongly recommends that you do not remove policies, particularly format policies. Contact SirsiDynix Customer Support before removing policies.


Click Cancel to close the current window.


Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Copy operation allows you to copy the current values of an existing Format policy into a new policy.

To copy an existing policy


Click Create to create a new Format policy. When a new Format policy is created, you will need to provide attribute values on each displayed tab. Descriptions of these attributes are discussed within each wizard topic.


The Display operation allows you to display a Format policy’s current values.

To display a policy


The Modify operation allows you to modify the current values of an existing Format policy.

To modify a format


The Remove operation allows your to remove a Format policy.

To remove a policy,

SirsiDynix strongly recommends that you do not remove policies, particularly format policies. Contact SirsiDynix Customer Support before removing policies.