FAQs: Working with Location Policies
• | Which locations should not permit holds? |
• | Which locations should not be shadowed? |
• | How do I “turn off” the reshelving? |
Which locations should not permit holds?
Typically, current locations, such as CHECKEDOUT, INTRANSIT, and ONORDER, have the Holdable attribute selected (place holds). Some locations should remain non-holdable to facilitate library procedures and work flow. It is recommended that the following Location policies have the Holdable attribute disabled (do not place holds).
• | REPAIR |
• | LOST |

The expected behavior may differ in the case of checked out items associated with reserve records. SirsiDynix Symphony does not designate items with an initial location of RESERVES as holdable when they are checked out (and moved to the CHECKEDOUT location) if the Holdable attribute in the RESERVE Location policy is not enabled. In this case, items that move from RESERVES to CHECKEDOUT are not eligible to have holds placed on them, even if the CHECKEDOUT Location policy has the Holdable attribute enabled. However, items associated with non-active reserve control records do not have a current location of RESERVES; therefore, these items still qualify to fill holds.
Which locations should not be shadowed?
When creating new Location policies in SirsiDynix Symphony, you have the option of enabling or disabling the Shadowed attribute. Once a Location policy is created, however, you cannot unshadow the location. Location policies delivered with your SirsiDynix Symphony system already have the Shadow attribute selected or cleared.
As delivered, the following Location policies are shadowed.
• | LOST |
• | LOST |
How do I “turn off” the reshelving?

The RESHELVING location only appears in the e-Library and in the WorkFlows client item glossaries and the Bibliographic Description helper (red book icon). And, this location only appears if it contains a RESHELVING location type.
If your SirsiDynix Symphony system is listing items in a temporary reshelving location after they are discharged, then the Reshelving Location attribute for the items’ home locations contains a Location policy with a RESHELVING location type. The RESHELVING location type indicates that the location represents a temporary holding area where items are kept after being discharged, but before being reshelved. Locations such as RESHELVING or BOOKCART will have RESHELVING location types.
To “turn off” reshelving, you will need to modify all of your home location policies, such as ONSHELF, FIC, JUVY, and change the Reshelving Location attribute to a policy that does not have a RESHELVING location type. It is recommended to select the same policy name as the one you are modifying.
For example, to “turn off” reshelving for the ONSHELF Location policy, fill in the policy attributes as follows.
Name |
Description |
Standard Shelving Location |
Holdable |
NO |
Type |
Shadow |
NO |
Reshelving Period |
Reshelving Location |

Current locations and special locations, such as CHECKEDOUT, BINDERY, LOST, and LONGOVRDUE, should not have reshelving “turned on.”
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