FAQs: Running the SirsiDynix Symphony Services on a Windows Server as a User Other than Administrator

I’d like to run the SirsiDynix Symphony services on a Windows Server as a user other than Administrator. When I do this, why doesn’t searching work on my system?

When SirsiDynix Symphony is delivered on Windows Servers, SirsiDynix configures the SirsiDynix Symphony services to use the Administrator login to run those services. However, some sites may wish to use another user to start and stop the SirsiDynix Symphony services. When the services are started by a user other than Administrator or Sirsi, the search engine used by SirsiDynix Symphony does not recognize the user, which prevents it from running properly.

If your site wishes to run the SirsiDynix Symphony services by a user other than Administrator or Sirsi, the search engine must be configured to recognize the user. To set this up, follow these steps.

Note: It is recommended that spaces not be included in the user name.