FAQs: Indexing Languages in Catalog Records
How are languages indexed in SirsiDynix Symphony?
By default for MARC21 formatted records, SirsiDynix Symphony indexes languages from the 041 Language Code field of the catalog format first, then the 008 Language fixed field if no 041 was present. This practice can cause a search qualified by a given language to retrieve English titles translated from the language as well as titles written in the targeted language. Some sites want to use a language qualifier to retrieve only titles written in the targeted language. This is a configurable option. SirsiDynix Symphony can be configured to skip the 041 field when indexing languages and proceed directly to the 008 fixed field. By default, SirsiDynix Symphony systems are delivered to index the 041 first, then the 008.
For UNIMARC formatted records, SirsiDynix Symphony will index language in the following way:
• | In the 101 tag subfield a |
• | If not found, then in the 100 tag, bytes 22-24 |
To change the Language indexing configuration, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.