FAQs: Entering Item-level Holdings for Z39.50 Displays
Since Unicorn 2001, the BIBMARC and SIRSICAT Format policies have been updated with the 926 and 927 entries as part of the standard delivery. If, however, the BIBMARC or any Z39.50-purpose formats and catalog-purpose formats need to be modified to include the 926 and 927 Entry IDs, refer to Updating the BIBMARC Format Policy and Updating Catalog-purpose Format Policies for instructions.
When you initiate a Z39.50 search from the e-Library to other SirsiDynix Symphony sites, the item-level holdings appear on the item view page. The MARC holdings records appear in summary format, and the call number and item information appear much like a standard catalog search.

If UNICORN is specified as the Database Name for the Z39.50 Search Destination, all item level holdings appear. If a Library policy name or Library Search policy name is specified as the Database Name for the Z39.50 Search Destination, the item level holdings are limited to the library or library group specified.
These Z39.50 searches will not display academic reserves information, nor will they acknowledge bound-with links, shadow options, or other types of information.
In order to display item-level holdings information, new SirsiDynix tags are added to MARC records that are transferred through Z39.50. The Z39.50 server adds a 926 tag for each item, plus any additional call numbers which do not have items. Additionally, 927 tags are added for each of the MARC holdings summary display lines.
To display item-level holdings, the BIBMARC Format policy is required. This Z39.50-purpose Format policy is included in the standard delivery.

BIBMARC is used by staff and patrons to access bibliographic databases outside of SirsiDynix Symphony using the e-Library or the Z39.50 Windows Client. SIRSICAT may be used to connect to SirsiDynix Symphony servers, but the current practice is to always use BIBMARC as the basic Z39.50 format for bibliographic data.
Updating the BIBMARC Format Policy
If the BIBMARC Format policy does not contain the 926 and 927 entry IDs, you can add them to the policy.
To add 926 and 927 entry IDs to the BIBMARC Format policy
1 | On the Configuration toolbar, click the OPAC Configuration wizard group. |
2 | Click the Z39.50 Format wizard. |
3 | Select the BIBMARC Format policy, and click Modify. |
4 | Click the Entries tab. |
5 | Click the Entry ID Policy helper. |
6 | Click Create. |
7 | Create the 926 simple entry ID by specifying the following information. |
Attribute |
Value |
Name |
926 |
Description |
Item Level Holdings |
Purpose |
Z3950 (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Type |
Simple Entry ID |
The Mode and Entries attributes are disabled and cannot be modified.
8 | Click Save. |
The 926 entry ID is added to the Entry ID list in the Entries tab of the BIBMARC Format policy.
9 | Select the 926 entry ID in the Entry ID list, and click Modify. |
10 | On the Basic tab, specify the following information. |
Attribute |
Value |
Entry ID‘ |
926 |
Internal Entry Number |
926 (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Valid Indicator 1 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Valid Indicator 2 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Valid Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
Entry Type |
Item Holdings (To set this attribute, click the gadget in the Entry Type field, select the Item Holdings check box, and click OK.) |
11 | Click the Display tab, and specify the following information. |
Attribute |
Value |
Display Flag |
Select the check box. |
Holding Display |
Label |
Item Level Holdings |
Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Ranking for Hit List Displays |
Set Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, and Line 4 to 0 (zero). |
12 | Click the Holdings Lookup tab, and specify the following information. |
Attribute |
Value |
Rank for Holding Lookup |
0 |
Holding Screen Name |
0 |
Holding Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
13 | Accept the defaults for the Request, Hypertext, and Punctuations tabs. |
14 | Click Save to add the 926 entry ID to the BIBMARC Format policy. |
15 | Repeat steps 5 through 14 to create the 927 simple entry ID, and to add the 927 entry to the BIBMARC Format policy. |
Create the 927 simple entry ID by specifying the following information.
Attribute |
Value |
Name |
927 |
Description |
MARC Holdings |
Purpose |
Z3950 (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Type |
Simple Entry ID |
The Mode and Entries attributes are disabled and cannot be modified.
When repeating step 10, specify the following information on the Basic tab for the 927 entry.
Attribute |
Value |
Entry ID‘ |
927 |
Internal Entry Number |
927 (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Valid Indicator 1 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Valid Indicator 2 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Valid Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
Entry Type |
MARC Holdings (To set this attribute, click the gadget in the Entry Type field, select the MARC Holdings check box, and click OK.) |
When repeating step 11, specify the following information on the Display tab for the 927 entry.
Attribute |
Value |
Display Flag |
Select the check box. |
Holding Display |
Clear the check box. |
Label |
MARC Holdings |
Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Ranking for Hit List Displays |
Set Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, and Line 4 to 0 (zero). |
When repeating step 12, specify the following information on the Holdings Lookup tab for the 927 entry.
Attribute |
Value |
Rank for Holding Lookup |
0 |
Holding Screen Name |
0 |
Holding Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
16 | Click Save to save your modifications the BIBMARC Format policy. |

All of the Z39.50-purpose Format policies must contain all MARC entries contained within the catalog-purpose Format policies.
Updating Catalog-purpose Format Policies
If any catalog-purpose Format policies for which item-level holdings should appear does not contain the 926 and 927 entry IDs, refer to the following procedure to add the entry IDs to the policy.
1 | On the Configuration toolbar, click the Cataloging Configuration wizard group. |
2 | Click Catalog Format wizard. |
3 | Select a catalog-purpose Format policy for which item-level holdings should appear in Z39.50 searches, and click Modify. For this example, select MARC. |
4 | Click the Entries tab. |
5 | Click the Entry ID Policy helper. |
6 | Click Create. |
7 | Create the 926 simple entry ID by specifying the following information. |
Attribute |
Value |
Name |
926 |
Description |
Item Level Holdings |
Purpose |
CATAOLOG (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Type |
Simple Entry ID |
The Mode and Entries attributes are disabled and cannot be modified.
8 | Click Save. |
The 926 entry ID is added to the Entry ID list in the Entries tab of the MARC Format policy.
9 | Select the 926 entry ID in the Entry ID list, and click Modify. |
10 | On the Basic tab, specify the following information. |
Attribute |
Value |
Entry ID |
926 |
Internal Entry Number |
926 (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Allow Edit/Create |
Select the check box. |
Required |
Clear the check box |
Valid Indicator 1 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Valid Indicator 2 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Data Type |
Valid Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
Minimum Size |
0 |
Maximum Size |
Default Value at Record Creation |
Leave blank. |
Entry Type |
Item Holdings (To set this attribute, click the gadget in the Entry Type field, select the Item Holdings check box, and click OK.) |
11 | Click the Display tab, and specify the following information. |
Attribute |
Value |
Label |
Item Level Holdings |
Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
Ranking for Hit List Displays |
Set Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, and Line 4 to 0 (zero). |
12 | Accept the defaults for the Keyword, Browse, Authority, Hypertext, and Punctuations tabs. |
13 | Click Save to add the 926 entry ID to the MARC Format policy. |
14 | Repeat steps 5 through 13 to create the 927 simple entry ID, and to add the 927 entry to the MARC Format policy. |
Create the 927 simple entry ID by specifying the following information.
Attribute |
Value |
Name |
927 |
Description |
MARC Holdings |
Purpose |
CATAOLOG (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Type |
Simple Entry ID |
The Mode and Entries attributes are disabled and cannot be modified.
When repeating step 10, specify the following information on the Basic tab for the 927 entry.
Attribute |
Value |
Entry ID |
927 |
Internal Entry Number |
927 (Automatically filled in by SirsiDynix Symphony. This attribute cannot be modified.) |
Allow Edit/Create |
Select the check box. |
Required |
Clear the check box |
Valid Indicator 1 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Valid Indicator 2 |
Leave blank for the value of Any. |
Data Type |
Valid Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
Minimum Size |
0 |
Maximum Size |
Default Value at Record Creation |
Leave blank. |
Entry Type |
MARC Holdings (To set this attribute, click the gadget in the Entry Type field, select the MARC Holdings check box, and click OK.) |
When repeating step 11, specify the following information on the Display tab for the 927 entry.
Attribute |
Value |
Label |
MARC Level Holdings |
Subfields |
Leave blank for the value of All. |
Ranking for Hit List Displays |
Set Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, and Line 4 to 0 (zero). |
15 | Click Save to save your modifications the MARC Format policy. |
16 | Modify the remaining catalog-purpose Format policies (SERIAL, MAP, MRDF, MIXEDMAT, VM, and MUSIC) to include the 926 and 927 entries. |
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