FAQs: Automating Halt and Run of a Remote e-Library Server
A utility is provided for automatically halting and running a remote e–Library server.

It is assumed that you have Perl version 5 or higher installed.
At the command line, type the following.
perl rmtweb.pl -p<location of environ file>
For example:
perl rmtweb.pl -p/s/sirsi/Unicorn/Config/environ
The following options are available.
• | –c cycle (halt, initialize, run in one step) |
• | –h halt |
• | –i initialize |
• | –p path to environ file (required) |
• | –m DO NOT clear sirsi message queues during initialize |
• | –r run |

Sites with multiple SirsiDynix Symphony systems, including remote SirsiDynix Symphony systems, on the same server should use the –m option to avoid interfering with them when using the initialize or cycle options.
When no options other than –p are given, no actions will be performed, only the status will be output.
The following is an example of output using the cycle option.
perl rmtweb.pl -c -pConfig/environ
SirsiDynix Symphony Remote Webcat Halt/Run Utility Started on Fri Nov 15 11:37:57 2XXX
Halting WEBSERVER(6797) ... DONE
Initializing WEBSERVER ... DONE
Running WEBSERVER ... DONE(6806)
SirsiDynix Symphony Remote Webcat Halt/Run Utility Finished on Fri Nov 15 11:38:01 2XXX
The following is an example of output using the halt option.
perl rmtweb.pl -h -pConfig/environ
SirsiDynix Symphony Remote Webcat Halt/Run Utility Started on Fri Nov 15 11:39:39 2XXX
Halting WEBSERVER(6806) ... DONE
WEBSERVER is HALTEDSirsiDynix Symphony Remote Webcat Halt/Run Utility Finished on Fri Nov 15 11:39:41 2XXX
A shell wrapper for the halt/run script can be created as follows.
# to cycle
${rmtweb_prog} -c -p ”${environ_file}”
# to halt${rmtweb_prog} -h -p ”${environ_file}”
# to init${rmtweb_prog} -i -p ”${environ_file}”
# to run${rmtweb_prog} -r -p ”${environ_file}”