Display Of User Photograph Policy
The Display Of User Photograph policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. This policy determines whether or not the system will display user photos in the user information header, if they are available in either the \Workflows\tmp directory on the workstation or on the SirsiDynix Symphony server. Photos are downloaded from the server to the \Workflows\tmp directory on demand as administrators access individual user records that contain photos. For Windows workstations, the home directory is typically \Documents and Settings for workstations running Windows XP or older, or \Users\[username] for workstations running Windows Vista or newer. For Mac workstations, the home directory is typically /[username]/Library/Preferences. If a photo is available, a user photo appears in the user information block with the user photo on the left and the name, user ID, alt ID, and group ID (if any) on the right.
For more information, see FAQs: Downloading Patron Photos.
The Display Of User Photograph policy appears on the Circulation tab of the Global Configuration wizard. The default value for this policy appears in the Select a Policy window. To modify this value, select Display of User Photograph and click Modify. Click a radio button to select one of the policy attributes. Click Save to save your selection. The default value is Do Not Display User Photograph.

The attribute you select in the Display Of User Photograph Policy takes precedence over the attribute you select for displaying user photos in the configuration for an individual library in the Library Wizard. If you select the Do Not Display User Photograph attribute in this policy, the Display User Photographs option will not appear for individual library policies; user photos will not display for any library, regardless of what you had previously selected for displaying user photos for an individual library's policy.
The following attributes are included in this policy.
• | Do Not Display User Photograph |
• | Display User Photograph |
Do Not Display User Photograph
Click this radio button to suppress the display of user photos.
Click this radio button to display user photos. Photos are accessed on demand as you access individual user records that contain photos. If the photos are not found in the \Workflows\tmp directory, they are automatically downloaded from the server into that directory.
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