Default Price Wizard

Default Price policies are used to define the default price and associated processing fees for lost items. These policies can be mapped to specific item type and library combinations. The Default Price policy works in coordination with the Mark Item Lost wizard and SirsiDynix Symphony’s lost item processing, including the Assumed Lost report. The report automatically bills the user when items are marked Assumed Lost or Claims Lost.

The order of the Default Price map lines is important. See Policy Operations for Map Policies.

SirsiDynix Symphony reads the default price policy map from the top down, like most policies, not from the bottom up like the circulation map and hold map. The default price is applied as follows.

SirsiDynix Symphony reads through all the default price policies and stops on the first map line that exactly matches the item and library of the item being processed.
If no default price policy exists that exactly matches the item type and library of the item being processed, SirsiDynix Symphony starts over from the top and stops at the first default price policy that matches the item type and has a library of ALL, or matches the library and has an item type of ALL.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Default Price policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Default Price policy contains the following attributes.


This attribute uniquely identifies a specific Default Price policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

Item Type

Default prices can be mapped to specific item types, or you can type ALL to apply a default price to all item types. Select an Item Type policy from the list. An Item Type Policy helper (Item Type Wizard) is available for you to create new item types or modify existing item types, if needed.


Libraries can define default prices for their items that differ from other libraries in the system. Select a Library policy from the list. Type All to apply the default price to a specified item type no matter which library owns the item. If this field is left blank, it will default to All. A Library Policy helper (Library Wizard) is available for you to modify existing Library policies, if needed.

Note: The library defined in this attribute is based on the global configuration setting that determines which circulation policies are being used, owning library or transaction library.

Processing Fee

You can apply a standard fee for processing lost items. You can type an amount of $9999999.99 or less. Type $.00 if no processing fee is charged.

Default Price

A standard, default price can be applied to this item type and library combination. You can type an amount of $9999999.99 or less.

SirsiDynix Symphony may also use the value of this attribute to determine an overdue or recall bill's maximum fee amount if the item's price is 0 or if the "Use default price" attribute is enabled. For more information, see Billing Structure Wizard.

Automatic Removal of Processing Fee

Select this check box if you want the processing fee to be automatically removed from the user’s bill when a lost item bill is removed, and the item is discharged or returned to circulation.

Use Default Price

Select this check box if you want the default price to always be applied, rather than the price from the item record. If this check box is cleared, SirsiDynix Symphony will apply the price from the item record. If there is no price in the item record, the default price will be applied.

If this attribute is enabled, SirsiDynix Symphony uses the value of the "Default price" attribute to determine an overdue or recall bill's maximum fee amount. For more information, see Billing Structure Wizard.

Automatic Refund

Select this check box if you want to create an automatic refund credit for a paid lost item bill when the lost item is checked in. If you select this check box, a refund credit for the amount the user paid for the lost item bill is added to the user’s credit account, and the item’s location is changed to STACKS. If you clear this check box, the item’s location is changed to STACKS, and no refund credit will be added to the user’s credit account. By default, this check box is cleared.

Number of Days to Refund Paid-lost Bill

If Automatic Refund is selected, the Number of Days to Refund Paid-lost Bill attribute becomes available. Some libraries want to set a practical limit between the time the lost item was paid in full and the time in which a refund for the lost item is allowed. In this field, type the number of days a lost fee can be refunded. You can use the Maximum/Minimum gadget to select the number of days. If you type the value 0 (zero), the system will interpret it as unlimited.

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