Catalog Zserver Wizard

All SirsiDynix Symphony systems are Z39.50 servers. The catalog Z39.50 server (catzserver) can be configured to determine whether the library catalog is accessible to Z39.50 clients as well as to set certain characteristics for users accessing the system.

To display the current configuration settings for the Catalog Zserver, click Catalog Zserver wizard icon, and the ZSERVER Policy window opens. From this window you can modify the policy attributes, then click Save to save your changes, or click Close to exit the wizard.


The Catalog Zserver wizard displays the following attributes.


The Description attribute may be used to provide further information about the catalog Z39.50 server. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although this attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

Max Clients

The Max Clients attribute specifies the maximum number of Z39.50 clients which may be connected to the server at any given time.

Port Number

The Port Number attribute is used to specify on which port number should the Catalog Z39.50 server be installed. A value between 0 and 32,768 must be specified. SirsiDynix recommends that a port number higher than 1024 be assigned.

Default Environment

This attribute specifies an Environment that should be assigned to users accessing the system via Z39.50 clients. Select an environment from the list. The Environment Policy helper is available for you to create a new environment or modify an existing one, if needed.

Default User Access

This attribute specifies a User Access policy that should be assigned to users accessing the system via 39.50 clients. Select a user access from the list. The User Access Policy helper is available for you to create a new user access or modify an existing one, if needed.


This attribute specifies which authority thesaurus to use for displaying cross-references. This attribute only appears on systems configured to use the Authority module. Select a thesaurus from the list. The Authority Thesaurus Policy helper is available for you to create a new thesaurus or modify an existing one, if needed.

Allow Browsing

The Allow Browsing attribute indicates whether browsing is available to users accessing the system via Z39.50 clients.

Keep Session Log

The Session Log attribute indicates whether a detailed log should be kept of every client session.

Important: Session log files can grow rapidly and can consume a great deal of disk space. If session logging is turned on, these logs must be reviewed and either removed or saved to media on a regular basis.

Keep Text Log

This attribute specifies whether a text log of catalog zserver search request processing should be kept. These full text logs are primarily used as diagnostic tools, and this attribute should not be selected except by request of SirsiDynix Customer Support staff.


If the user has not sent a request for the number of seconds specified in the Timeout attribute, the catalog zserver will close the session. Specify a number from 0–32,768 for this value.

Initialization Timeout

Any time a Z39.50 client connects to a Z39.50 server, the client must send an initialization request. If the user has not sent a complete initialization request in the number of seconds specified in the Initialization Timeout attribute, the catalog zserver will close the session. Specify a number from 0–32,768 for this value.

User Library

Specify a user library from the Library policies that should be assigned to users accessing the system via Z39.50 clients. Select a library from the list.

Maximum Truncation Limit

This attribute specifies the maximum truncated terms that BRS should search to get proper results in Bath truncation searches. This attribute should be set to 1000 for SirsiDynix Symphony systems.

Local Search

When the Local Search attribute is not enabled, the Catalog Zserver will use the existing SirsiDynix Symphony search and cross reference programs. When it is enabled, additional search and cross reference programs will be launched for each Z39.50 client that connects. By default, the Local Search option is not enabled.

Note: If the Local Search attribute is not selected, the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server (UNIX) or SirsiDynix Symphony Starter service (Windows) must be running to permit Z39.50 access to the catalog. If Local Search is selected, the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server or SirsiDynix Symphony Starter service do not necessarily have to be running for Z39.50 access.

The Local Search option also requires that Oracle be running on Oracle SirsiDynix Symphony systems. In practice, most sites tend to HALT (shut down) Oracle when they halt the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation or SirsiDynix Symphony Starter service, especially for backups. Therefore, Local Search is not typically enabled on Oracle SirsiDynix Symphony systems.

Important: Enabling Local Search will require more server memory in order to operate the additional search and cross reference programs for each Z39.50 client that connects. Therefore, enabling Local Search should be undertaken cautiously, especially for sites that expect to have many simultaneous Z39.50 clients searching their Catalog Zserver.

Remove Entries Listed in the File “zjunktag”

This attribute, if selected, excludes MARC tags listed in the zjunktag file when MARC records are exported from the SirsiDynix Symphony catalog by the Z39.50 server. The zjunktag file is located in the /Unicorn/Custom directory. By default, this attribute is cleared.

Note: The delivered zjunktag file lists the SirsiDynix Symphony system internal tags 596, 598, and 599. This is the default list of tags to be excluded unless the SirsiDynix Symphony Administrator modifies this file.

Log Search

This attribute, if selected, will produce a log file containing the search and browse attribute values, IP address, and search and browse terms sent by the Z39.50 client. The log file is named [date].zatr and is written to the /Unicorn/Zserver directory. By default, this attribute is cleared.

Important: The Log Search attribute is used for diagnostic purposes only, and should only be selected if instructed by SirsiDynix Customer Support.

User Clearance

When a Z39.50 client is used to search the catalog, the user is anonymous. This attribute indicates whether a clearance is required to have Z39.50 access to the library catalog. If this attribute is set to NONE, a clearance is not required to access the Z39.50 catalog. This attribute only appears on systems configured to use the Accountability module.

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