Modify Exchange Library Workform Wizard

The Modify Exchange Library Workform wizard is located in the Manage Workforms group wizard and is used to modify an existing workform. Modifying a workform that is currently attached to an exchange library record has the following effects:

Any additional required fields or optional fields in the selected workform will be required in the record
The record’s existing values do not change to the selected workform’s default values

When modifying an exchange library workform, two tabs display: Required and Optional Tabs.

Required - The fields that display on the Required tab always display in the exchange library record, but you can decide which of these fields are required when the exchange library record is saved and what the default information will be in the exchange library.
Optional - The fields that display on the Optional tab do not need to be displayed in the exchange library record. You can choose whether you want the fields to display in the record. You can also decide which of these fields are required when the exchange library record is saved and what the default information should be.

If you select the Input Required check box, and have not provided a value, the system will prompt you when the exchange library record is saved, based on this workform. You will not be allowed to save the record without this information.

If the Input Required check box appears dimmed and selected, the system always requires a value for this field, regardless of your choice.

The Default Value allows you to select a default to display when adding an exchange library using this workform. Defaults only apply when you create an exchange library record.

To modify an exchange library workform

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