Handling Title and Item Level Holds When Exchanging Items

When exchanging items, there are certain title and item level holds restrictions. Please review the following list before placing holds on exchanged items.

Title Level Holds

The Exchange Items wizard prevents an exchange any time there are title level holds on an item.
After scanning an item with title level holds, the following message displays:

Warning: title level holds are associated with this item! Because there are title level holds, this item cannot be exchanged.

Item Level Holds

The Exchange Items wizard will stop the user from exchanging an item with item level holds.
After scanning an item with only item level holds, the following message displays:

Warning: item level holds are associated with this item! Exchange item with override anyway.

If the user enters the correct override, the item will be exchanged to the destination.

Item Level Holds in a Set

The Exchange Items Wizard wizard will stop the user from exchanging an item with item level holds that is in a set.
After scanning an item with only item level holds that is also part of a set, the user will see the following message:

Warning: item level holds are associated with this item! This item is also part of a set. Exchange item with override anyway?

If the user enters the correct override, the item will be exchanged to the destination.

Item With Item Level Holds Only That Completes a Set

The Exchange Items Wizard will stop the user from exchanging an item with item level holds that completes a set.
After scanning an item with only item level holds that would complete a set, the following message displays:

Warning: item level holds are associated with this item! This item also completes a set of items already scanned. Exchange item with override anyway?

If the user enters the correct override, the item will be exchanged to the destination.

Item With Holds That Does Not Qualify for Exchange

If the Exchange items wizard stops a user from an exchanging an item because it doesn’t qualify for exchange, (such as quota is exceeded, or non-return period has not passed) AND it has item/title level holds then a message will display.
After scanning an item that doesn’t qualify for exchange, an additional message displays:

Warning: Holds Alert! Title and/or item level holds are associated with this item.

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