FAQs: Criteria To Determine if an Item Can Be Exchanged

The following criteria are analyzed when determining whether or not an item can be exchanged. This is determined by Item Record, Item Status, or Profile.

Item Record

For an item to be exchangeable, Collection Exchange values in the item record must be established. You can display these values with the Item Search and Display wizard or create or modify these values with Cataloging wizards.

At a minimum, an Exchange Type, Exchange Category, and the Exchanges check box must be established in the Collection Exchange portion of the item record.
Other fields in the Collection Exchange section of the item record are optional.

If you are attempting to add an item to a set, you must first ensure that the item is exchangeable.

If an item is not exchangeable, when you scan the barcode, the system will produce the following message and you will not be able to add the item to the set:

This item is not configured as part of the exchange and cannot be exchanged.

If you see this message, do the following:

Item Status

If you are an affiliated library (a branch) and would like to exchange an item, the item must have either a status of Home or In Exchange at your library.
If you are a headquarters library and would like to exchange an item, the software does not require that the item have a status of Home or In Exchange at the HQ library. The HQ library is able to exchange items that are in exchange at other libraries.

The following criteria are also analyzed in order to determine whether or not an item can be exchanged:

Checked out: Item cannot be checked out.
Lost: Item record cannot have a location of LOST.
Missing: Item cannot have a location of MISSING
On Reserve: Item cannot be connected to a Reserve Control record
In transit: Item cannot be intransit to another library
Bound-with: Item cannot be part of a Bound-with set.
Booked: Booked items cannot be exchanged.
Pending Shipping: Item cannot be marked pending shipping.
Accountability: Item cannot have accountability information.
Holds: Item has been trapped as an available hold.
Call Number Copy: Item is not the only call number copy that has call holds or has number of reserve controls.
Call Number or Title Level Hold: Item cannot be exchanged if there is a call number or title level hold.
Review Record: Item is not a review record.


SirsiDynix Symphony considers the profile of the destination library when trying to determine if an item can be exchanged.
If the item’s exchange type and category does not match any of the exchange types and categories in the destination library’s profile, SirsiDynix Symphony will offer alternative suggestions. For example, if the item has a status of “Home”, you can keep the item in your library. Based on the property setting in the Exchange Items Wizard, you may be prompted to send the item to the previous or originating exchange library.