Exchange State Helper

The Exchange State helper is used to display the exchange state for each exchange library. In addition to totals for each column, information is broken down by exchange type and category. To see all of the exchange types and categories of each exchange library, click the plus (+) and minus (-) signs to expand and collapse folders.

Target Quota - The ideal number of items the library wishes to received through the overall exchange process.
Global Pending Shipping - The total number of items system-wide that are pending shipping to the activated library.
In Exchange - The number of items currently in exchange at the activated library.
Local Pending Shipping - The total number of items that are pending shipping from the source library to the activated library.
Suggested Exchange - Displays a number of items suggested by SirsiDynix Symphony to send to the destination library.

It is based on the following equations:

Branch: number of items to return to HQ

The formula used depends on number of items currently in exchange at branch compared to the branch’s target quota by type/category.

Current quantity in exchange at branch is at or above target: Surplus + Per Exchange = Return Quantity
Current quantity in exchange at branch is below target: Per Exchange = Return Quantity

HQ: number of items to exchange to branch

The formula used depends on number of items currently in exchange at branch compared to the branch’s target quota by type/category.

Current quantity in exchange at branch is at, above, or below target: Return Quantity + (Target - In exchange) = Suggested Exchange

Branch-to-Branch Exchanges

For Branch-to-Branch Exchanges, the following formula is used.

Per Exchange (from activated library’s profile) - Local Pending Shipping + Reciprocal Exchange = Suggested Exchange.
Reciprocal Exchange - Displays the total number of items the source library owes the activated library. This number is cumulative and based on previous exchanges.
Already Shipped - Displays the number of items already shipped from the Exchange library.

The same information can be viewed in the Exchange Items wizard.

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