Vendor Information Tab

The Vendor Information tab may contain the following information about a vendor.

Any changes made to values in this tab will apply to all vendor cycles associated with the modified vendor.

From the Vendor Information tab, you may have the option to proceed with the wizard function, return to the vendor list, look up another vendor, or exit the wizard.

The following fields are defined for the Vendor Information tab.


Vendor records are assigned to a library. Which libraries may display your library’s vendor records is controlled by the Acquisition Display Libraries attribute of your Library policy. Which libraries may maintain your library’s acquisitions records is controlled by the Acquisition Maintenance Libraries attribute of your Library policy. When you are modifying or displaying acquisitions information, you may only select those libraries who have indicated in their Library policy that you may maintain or display that library’s acquisitions.


The vendor name is a description of the vendor ID. For example, the vendor ID BAKER could be defined in the Name field as Baker & Taylor.

Note: The vendor name appears as the first line in the mailing address, so if you use the naming convention your vendor requires, you won’t need to repeat the name in the vendor address fields.


Each master vendor record must be assigned a unique identifier (ID). This ID helps you quickly identify the vendor. The ID may be up to 20 characters long. For instance, Baker & Taylor might be referred to as BAKER. Publishers have an international standard number (the first digits of the ISBN) assigned to them and the library might want to use this as the vendor ID. For example, the vendor ID for Pierian Press might be 87650.

Customer Number

This field contains the customer account number used by the vendor to identify your library. The customer number may be up to 20 characters long.

Ordering Allowed

This field indicates whether or not you can order materials using the displayed vendor for the particular budget cycle. If Y is selected, orders can be placed. If N is selected, orders cannot be placed using this vendor. You might select N if you are in a payment dispute with a vendor, or if a different vendor budget cycle is currently open.

Paying Allowed

This field indicates whether or not you can pay for materials ordered from the displayed vendor for the particular budget cycle. If Y is selected, invoices and orders can be paid. If N is selected, invoices and orders cannot be paid using this vendor. You might select N if you are in a payment dispute with a vendor, or if a different vendor budget cycle is currently open.

Amount Invoiced/Not Funded

This field indicates the amount of money owed to the vendor for which an invoice line that has not yet been linked to a fund has been created. A vendor may send an invoice for material delivered in person as part of a sales promotion. The item may have been cataloged, without having entered an order. The invoice for that material can be entered without a link to an order. The vendor record shows the amount invoiced and the number of items invoiced without fund identification.

Quantity Invoiced/Not Funded

This field indicates the number of items expected from the vendor for which an invoice line that has not yet been linked to a fund has been created. A vendor may send an invoice for several items of material delivered in person as part of a sales promotion. The items may have been cataloged, without having entered an order. The invoice for that material can be entered, indicating the number of items, without a link to an order. The vendor record shows the amount invoiced and the number of items invoiced without fund identification.


This field indicates the native currency of the vendor. All currencies are defined in policies, including the library’s native currency. The vendor’s currency is specified when you order or invoice material from this vendor. If no currency is indicated, SirsiDynix Symphony defaults to the native currency of your library.

Number of Cycles

This field displays the number of fiscal cycles linked to this vendor record.

Vendor Groups

Each vendor may contain a policy name used for grouping types of vendors together. Up to three of these optional categories can denote a vendor characteristic for budget management and statistical analysis.

For example, INTERNATL, NATIONAL, and FOREIGN may be used to categorize the scope of the vendor’s territory. PUBLISHER, SOCIETY, JOBBER, DONOR, and OTHER may be used to categorize the vendor’s primary function. PREPAY, INVOICE, DEPOSIT, and OTHER may be used to categorize the vendor’s primary payment method.

Tax Paid to Vendor

Specifies whether taxes are paid directly to the vendor, if taxes are to be included in invoice lines for ordered materials. This check box displays only if the Invoice Tax features are configured. If this check box is selected or this field is set to Yes, taxes on the invoice lines are paid directly to the vendor. If this check box is cleared or this field is set to No, taxes on invoice lines are not paid directly to the vendor, and may be paid instead to a government agency. By default, the Tax Paid to Vendor flag is set to No.

Note: If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor field and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amounts field (if available) must be cleared because they do not apply to a vendor who supplies ordered materials that are exempt from taxes.

Tax Exempt Vendor

Specifies whether the vendor has a tax exempt status. This check box displays only if the Invoice Tax features are configured, and if the Vendor Tax Exemptions policy in the Global Configuration wizard is set to Use Vendor Tax Exemptions. If a vendor has a tax exempt status, materials ordered from the vendor are not subject to taxes. If this check box is selected or this field is set to Yes, the vendor has a tax exempt status. If this check box is cleared or set to No, the vendor does not have a tax exempt status, and materials ordered from the vendor are subject to taxes. By default, the Tax Exempt flag is set to No.

Note: If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor field and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amounts field (if available) must be cleared because they do not apply to a vendor who supplies ordered materials that are exempt from taxes.

Tax Included in Item Amounts

Specifies whether tax is included in amounts on invoice lines for materials ordered from the vendor. This check box displays only if the Invoice Tax feature is configured, and the Tax Included in Item Amounts policy in the Global Configuration wizard is set to Use Tax Included in Item Amounts. If this check box is selected or this field is set to Yes, tax is included in the amount on the invoice lines. If this check box is cleared or this field is set to No, tax is not included in the amount on the invoice lines. By default, the Tax Included in Item Amounts flag is set to No.

Note: If the Tax Exempt Vendor check box is selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor field and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amounts field must be cleared because they do not apply to a vendor who supplies ordered materials that are exempt from taxes.