Summary Tab: Orders
The Summary tab for orders summarizes orders/orderlines that meet your search criteria. The following fields appear on this tab.
• | Amount Paid |
• | Funded/Not Invoiced |
• | Invoiced/Not Paid |
• | Ordered/Not Funded |
• | Quantity Canceled |
• | Quantity Claimed |
• | Quantity Invoiced |
• | Quantity Not Received |
• | Quantity Ordered |
• | Quantity Paid |
• | Total Amount |
The following fields are defined for the Summary tab for orders.
This field displays the total cost paid for this order or list of orders. When an orderline is displayed individually, this field represents the amount paid for that particular orderline. In a summary, this number is the total for the list of orderlines.
This field displays the total amount encumbered for funds specified in all the orderlines. When an orderline is displayed individually, this field represents the amount encumbered for that particular orderline.
This field displays the total amount that the vendor has invoiced for items on this order or list of orders. When an orderline is displayed individually, this field represents the amount invoiced for that particular orderline.
This field displays the cost of all ordered items that have not been assigned a fund in the funding segments. When an orderline is displayed individually, this field represents the amount not funded for that particular orderline.
The number of canceled copies on all orderlines displays in this field. When an orderline is displayed individually, this field represents the copies canceled for that particular orderline.
This field displays the total number of copies claimed from the vendor for all line items ordered but not received.
SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the total number of copies entered on invoice records, but not yet paid. If the library does not link invoices to orders, this field remains empty. This field may display for the entire order or a particular orderline. In a summary, this number is the total for the list of orderlines.
The Copies Not Received field indicates the number of copies that had been ordered but had not yet been received. A Copies Not Received value is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony at the individual order level, for a particular fund, or for a particular vendor. If this value is displayed in a vendor summary, it is the total number of copies not received for all the vendors or all the cycles in the display.
SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the total number of copies ordered. A Copies Ordered value is maintained at the individual order level, the orderline level, for a particular fund, or for a particular vendor. If this value is displayed in a vendor summary, it is the total number of copies ordered for all the vendors or all the cycles in the display. In a summary of orderlines, this number is the total for the list of orderlines. Canceled copies and removed line items are automatically deducted from this figure.
SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the total number of copies paid for in this order, orderline, fund cycle, or vendor. If this value is displayed in a vendor summary, it is the total number of copies paid for all the vendors or all the cycles in the display. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically maintains the count as orders are placed, removed, and paid.
This field contains the total value of all orderlines on this particular order or list of orders, regardless of their state of being funded, invoiced, or paid. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically calculates this value based on each orderline’s extended price.