Financial Tab

The Financial tab displays the following fields in a table format. Totals for all funds listed appear in the first row of the table.

Additionally, the Financial tab will display fund overencumbered alerts for the selected fund(s).

Screen prints of the Financial tab do not include the Fund Name.

The following fields are defined for the Financial tab.


For each fund cycle, you can specify an amount budgeted. The budget amount must contain a number from 0 to 2,000,000,000. The system can indicate the native currency of the library and implied decimal values.

For example, five thousand dollars may be typed any of the following ways: $5000.00, 5000.00, 5000., or 5000.

If the Automatically Add Audit Trail To field is selected, values display in the selected extended information entry exactly as entered. In this case, type values consistently either with or without decimal values and any desired currency symbol.

As orders are added or canceled against a fund cycle, SirsiDynix Symphony keeps fund cycle information current with each transaction. This amount does not serve as a block on the amount that may be encumbered or spent, but as a warning. SirsiDynix Symphony allows you to edit the fund as needed and revise budget figures as they might be adjusted throughout the year.

Use the value NOLIMIT instead of a numeric allocation if there is no figure that can be entered (as in the case of a GIFT fund), or when a budget figure is not yet known. Budget cycle settings related to encumbrance and expenditure are ignored when the budget amount is NOLIMIT.

Cash Balance

SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the cash balance available for funds or vendor deposits.

In funds, SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the cash balance available to make order or invoice payments. The cash balance is that portion of the budgeted amount that has not actually been spent, whether or not the money has been encumbered. In addition, the cash balance may display as a percentage of the budgeted amount.

In vendors, this field displays the difference between the amount deposited and the amount paid. The amount is also represented as a percentage of the whole deposit amount.


The Encumbered field displays in relation to both funds and vendors.

In funds, the encumbered amount is the money committed to be spent from a particular fund. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically maintains the amounts as orders are placed. The Encumbered amount includes orders placed from a particular fiscal cycle that have not yet been invoiced, paid, canceled, or removed.

In vendors, this is the total amount of money committed to the vendor in orders, which have not yet been invoiced or paid. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically keeps track of the amount currently encumbered.

Free Balance

SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the fund or deposit balance that is still available.

In funds, SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the fund balance that is still available to encumber or pay orders. The free balance is that portion of the budget neither committed (encumbered) nor spent (paid). In addition, the free balance may display as a percentage of the budgeted amount.

In vendors, this field displays the total amount of money available from the deposit amount minus any amounts invoiced, paid, or encumbered. The amount is also represented as a percentage of the whole deposit amount.

Fund ID

Each master fund record must be assigned a unique identifier. You may modify the master fund record’s unique ID using this field. The fund ID is basically a short fund name. The maximum length for this field is 20 characters.

Note: Fund IDs must not contain spaces.

For example, in a fund system based on subject areas, ENGLISH and HISTORY might be fund IDs. If it were necessary to keep separate figures for monographs and serials, ENGLISH-M and ENGLISH-S might be fund IDs for English monographs and English serials respectively. More complex fund IDs might be made of a combination of primary fund characteristics. A fund ID of BOOK-FED-AD-FIC might be for Adult Fiction Books bought with Federal funds. Physics monographs bought for the Science Department might have an ID of M-SC-PHY. A fund ID might be a checking account number or other numeric string such as 1001-28-657.

When creating a fund, you can assign an auto-generated Fund ID by selecting AUTO from the list.

When displaying funds, the fund ID uniquely identifies a single master fund record. If you type a fund ID and all other fields are blank, the workstation displays the master fund information for the fund ID you entered. If you leave this field blank, the workstation lists all master fund records in the database.

When placing orders, the Fund ID in each funding segment field identifies the fund from which costs are to be encumbered and paid. For Single Fundings, the required fund ID is assigned to all items. You may modify this field as necessary. For Multiple Fundings, the fund ID field contains the word “Multiple,” not a real fund ID. You may then enter specific fund IDs in subordinate segments added below the Multiple line.

When invoicing, if an invoice line is linked to an order, this field shows what fund ID is used by the funding. If the line is linked directly to a fund, this field shows the fund ID assigned to the cost of this invoice line. This directly links the invoice to the fund. When an invoice is created, if you do not want to link the invoice link to the fund at the time of creation, you should erase the fund ID.

Fund Name

The fund name is a description of the fund ID.

For example, the fund ID M-PHY could be defined in the name field as Physics Monographs. A more complex ID such as BOOK-FED-AD-FIC might be named Adult-Fiction-Books-Federal. An ID such as M-SC-PHY might have the name Physics Monographs, Science Department.


The Invoiced field displays in relation to both funds and vendors. In funds, this is the amount invoiced as invoices are entered into the system and linked to orders. The Invoiced amount includes orders placed from a particular fiscal cycle that have been invoiced, but never paid, canceled, or removed. If the library creates invoice records and links orders to invoices, then SirsiDynix Symphony tracks the total amount invoiced for each fund. If the library does not link invoices to orders, this field remains empty.

In vendors, this is the total amount of money billed to the library on invoices entered at the workstation that has not yet been paid to the vendor. The Invoiced amount includes all invoices associated with the vendor, whether or not they have been linked to an order.

Note: Once an order amount is invoiced, it is no longer encumbered.


The Overencumbered/spent field displays Y (Yes) when a fund is overencumbered, and N (No) when a fund is not overencumbered. The encumbered amount is the money committed to be spent from a particular fund. When a fund is overencumbered, the encumbered amount exceeds the fund budget amount.


The Paid field displays in relation to both funds, vendors, and orders.

In funds, this is the amount paid to vendors out of the particular fund. The Paid amount includes orders placed from a particular fiscal cycle. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically maintains the amount as orders are placed, removed, and processed.

Once an order amount is paid, it is no longer invoiced. In vendors, this is the total amount of money paid to the vendor in this particular cycle. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically maintains the amount as orders are placed, removed, and processed.

In orders, this field displays the total cost paid for this order or list of orders. When an orderline is displayed individually, this field represents the amount paid for that particular orderline. In a summary, this number is the total for the list of orderlines.

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