FAQs: Displaying Vendors for All or Specific Cycles

How do I display a vendor by vendor ID?

By typing the exact vendor ID, you can display a single vendor record. If only part of the vendor ID is known, you may type one or more characters of the vendor ID; this may display a list of vendors, because the Vendor Search uses implied truncation. If only one match is found, the vendor record appears.

When using the Display Vendor (All Cycles) wizard, if you type ALL for vendor ID, then all vendors/cycles for the specified library will appear in the list. When using the Display Vendor (Specific Cycle) wizard, if you type ALL for vendor ID, then all vendors for the selected fiscal cycle and specified library will appear in the list.

How do I display a vendor by vendor name?

By typing one or more characters of the vendor name, you may display a list of vendors, since the Vendor Search uses implied truncation. By typing the exact vendor name, clicking Exact, then Search, you may find a more limited list of vendor records. If a single match is found, the vendor information displays; if more than one vendor matches the name typed, then a brief list of vendor names and IDs appears.

When using the Display Vendor (All Cycles) wizard, if you type ALL for vendor name, then all vendors/cycles for the specified library will appear in the list. When using the Display Vendor (Specific Cycle) wizard, if you type ALL for vendor name, then all vendors for the selected fiscal cycle and specified library will appear in the list.

How do I display a vendor by customer number?

By typing the exact customer number, clicking Exact, then Search, you may display a single vendor record. By typing one or more characters of the customer number, you may also display a list of vendors, since the Vendor Search uses implied truncation. If a single match is found, the vendor information displays; if more than one vendor matches the customer number typed, then a list of vendor names and IDs appears.

When using the Display Vendor (All Cycles) wizard, if you type ALL for customer number, then all vendors/cycles for the specified library will appear in the list. When using the Display Vendor (Specific Cycle) wizard, if you type ALL for customer number, then all vendors for the selected fiscal cycle and specified library will appear in the list.

How do I display all information for a single vendor and vendor cycle?

Using the Display Vendor (Specific Cycle), select the desired fiscal cycle, then search the vendor ID or vendor name. In the vendor list, select a single vendor, and click Display This Vendor. Specific vendor cycle information will appear on the Vendor Cycle Information Tab.

How do I display all cycles of a single vendor?

Search the vendor ID or vendor name in the Display Vendor (All Cycles) wizard. In the vendor list, select a single vendor, and click Display This Vendor. All vendor cycles will appear on the Vendor Cycle Information Tab.

How do I display multiple master vendors across fiscal cycles?

Use the Display Vendor (All Cycles) wizard, type ALL in the Search For field (or leave it blank), then click Search. All vendors/cycles for the specified library will appear.

How do I display all vendors for a single cycle?

Use the Display Vendor (Specific Cycle) wizard, type ALL in the Search For field (or leave it blank) select a fiscal cycle, then click Search. All vendors for the selected cycle and specified library will appear.

How do I display an individual vendor from a list of vendors or cycles?

In either the Display Vendor (Specific Cycle) wizard or Display Vendor (All Cycles) wizard, select a vendor in the list, and click Display This Vendor.

How do I display information about orders and serials for a particular vendor?

When using either wizard to view a single vendor record, linked order information will appear on the Orders Tab: Acquisitions, and linked serial control information will appear on the Serial Controls Tab. See the tab topics for more information.

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