Discount Table Tab

The Discount Table tab displays the Discount Type field. Vendors may offer discounts to libraries, either by quantity or by line item amount. The Discount Type field allows you to specify the automatic discount to apply to items ordered from the vendor in the current fiscal cycle. Click one of the following discount types.

If the vendor allows a discount based on the number of items ordered, click Quantity. If the vendor allows a discount based on the amount of the order, click Monetary. After you set the discount type to either Monetary or Quantity, click Create Vendor, and a discount table opens for you to type discount values.

If you have an across-the-board discount with a vendor, then identify the discount as either Monetary or Quantity and in the Over field of the resulting table, type the standard discount in the Discount Percent field. For example, if the vendor gives a standard 5% discount for all orders, type 5.00 in the last Discount Percent field.

If a vendor has different discount rates for monographs, standing orders, and rush orders, then the library may use separate master vendor records for each type of discount.

The following fields are defined for the Discount Table tab.


If the discount type is Monetary, a table appears which prompts you to type the amount of money which must be spent on a single line item to get a percentage discount. Up to five levels of discounts can be defined.


No vendor discounts are available.


If the discount type is Quantity, a table appears which prompts you to type the number of items which must be purchased in order to get a percentage discount. This discount applies to individual line items rather than the overall activity with a vendor. Up to five levels of discounts can be defined.