Add Vendor Wizard Properties

You can change certain system settings and defaults for the Add Vendor wizard using the Set Properties window. The Add Vendor wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

The Display Property Page value allows you to choose when to display the Add Vendor wizard’s set properties window. Select one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window as part of the wizard workflow. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the wizard.

Vendor Creation

Auto-generated Vendor ID – If selected, a new vendor ID will be automatically assigned as vendors are created. Your system must have auto-generated IDs for vendors defined in order to use the automatic ID feature.
Vendor Group 1, 2, 3 – Select defaults for vendor groups that are most frequently used. Vendor groups are unique to your library and are policy values defined in Acquisition Configuration. Select vendor groups from the lists.
Ordering Allowed – Allows ordering materials using this vendor. Select or clear the check box to set this default.
Paying Allowed – Allows paying for materials ordered from this vendor. Select or clear the check box to set this default.
Tax Paid to Vendor – Specifies the default setting of the Tax Paid to Vendor flag. The flag determines whether taxes on ordered materials are paid directly to the vendor by default. Select this check box if taxes are to be paid to the vendor. Clear this check box if taxes are to be paid to a government agency directly.

Note: If the Tax Exempt Vendor property displays and is selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor property is deactivated because it does not apply to a vendor whose materials are exempt from taxes.

Tax Exempt Vendor – Specifies the default setting of the Tax Exempt flag. If a vendor has a tax exempt status, materials ordered from the vendor are not subject to taxes. Select this check box if materials ordered from this vendor are not subject to taxes. Clear this check box if materials ordered from the vendor are subject to taxes.

Note: This property displays only when the Vendor Tax Exemptions global property is set to Use Vendor Tax Exemptions.

If the Tax Exempt Vendor property is selected, the Tax Paid to Vendor property and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amounts property are deactivated because they do not apply to a vendor whose materials are exempt from taxes.

Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount – Specifies the default setting of the Tax Included in Item Amounts flag. The flag determines if taxes on ordered materials are included in the amount on invoice lines. Select this check box to include taxes in the invoice line amounts by default. Clear this check box to not include taxes in the invoice line amounts by default.

Note: This property displays only when the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount global property is set to Use Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount.

This property becomes active only when the Tax Paid to Vendor property is selected. If the Tax Exempt Vendor property is selected, the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amount is deactivated because it does not apply to field and the Tax Included in Invoice Line Amounts field must be cleared because they do not apply to a vendor whose materials are exempt from taxes.

Vendor Cycle Creation

You can set defaults for the following fields. See the Vendor Cycle Information Tab topic for more information about these fields.

Order Claim Period
Order Cancel Period
% Encumbrance Allowed

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