FAQs: Reservations Warning Messages

What conditions may prevent a reservation from being made?

Listed below are some of the messages that may display and prevent a reservation from being made. Some of these reasons result from improper configuration of Reservation Profile, Reserve Desk, Item Type, and User Profile policies. Others are reflect problems relating to the user's status or item availability.

Reservation end time should not exceed [date and time]

If a reservation is requested for a period longer than the loan period specified by the appropriate Circulation Map policy, an Override box may display, allowing staff the opportunity to type an override code and proceed with the reservation. Override boxes display if the Circulation Rule policy permits an override.

Item is charged

A reservation cannot be made if the requested reservation overlaps a period in which the item is already charged to another user.

Item is not available for the reservation

An item cannot be have a reservation made on it if an existing reservation overlaps any portion of the requested reservation.

Item cannot have a reservation made on it

The Item Type policy of the item for which a reservation is requested does not have a Reservation Profile associated with it.

There is an upcoming reservation or booking for this title or item

The requested reservation time overlaps the Early Return Time for an item is needed for another reservation or booking. The Early Return Time attribute in the Reservation Profile policy specifies the minimum amount of time the user must return the item before a reservation. The Preparation Time attribute in the Booking Profile policy specifies the amount of time the user must return the item so the item can be prepared for a booking.

Charge conflicts with upcoming reservation, there is not enough time for this charge

The user is attempting to check out an item, but the item is required for an upcoming reservation, and the Early Return Time specified in the Reservation Profile policy has already started. The user is not permitted to check out the item.

Reservation system is unavailable during this requested loan period

The requested reservation would occur during a time when reservations are not permitted. The Reservation Unavailable attribute in the Reserve Desk policy designates the times that reservations are not accepted.

Reservation may not be made that much in advance

The date the reservation was created is earlier than the permissible limit set in the Advanced Reservation attribute in the Reservation Profile policy.

Unacceptable reservation date/time

The Start or End hours requested by the user fall outside of the Reservation Profile's available fixed time slots.

The user is Delinquent or the user is Blocked

Users whose status is DELINQUENT or BLOCKED are not permitted to make reservations unless the override code is entered.

The user is BARRED

Users whose status is BARRED are not permitted to make reservations.

The user is not permitted to charge the item

If the circulation map does not permit the user to charge a given Item type, the reservation is not created.

The user may not make reservations

The user profile of the requesting user specifies that users with this User Profile policy are not permitted to make reservations.

User exceeds reservation limit

The user profile of the requesting user specifies that users with this User Profile policy are limited to a specified number of reservations.