FAQs: Using Reports to Update Reserve Records

Reserve Group reports can be used to update the status and location of several reserve records at the same time.

What configuration must I do so I may use reports to update reserve records?

Reserve reports do not require any special configuration for you to run and update reserve records. To ensure the reports will make the changes you expect for a future term, the current term, or at the end of a term, select a course term in the Terms Offered field in the course record. Because the Terms Offered field in the course record is optional, make sure the field contains a term setting so the reports can update the reserve records correctly for the desired term.

If you want to use the Reserves Pickup List, Update (Rsvpickup) report to produce a list of items to retrieve for the Reserve Desk, and the Reserves Reshelving List (Rsvreturn) report to list the items to return to their normal locations when they are removed from reserve, be sure to configure the following fields when you create reserve records for items.

Specify the number of copies required to be on reserve in the Copies Needed box in the reserve control record.
Select the Auto Select Copies check box to allows the Reserve Pickup List and Update and Reserves Reshelving List reports to change the copy status of the items associated with the reserve control record.

What report lists the items that must be collected for reserves in the upcoming term?

To list the materials that need to be collected and brought to the Reserve Desk for the upcoming term, run the Set Reserves to Prepare (Setprepare) report. You can schedule the report to run at a specified time before each term to select individual instructor/course reserve records with a stage of INACTIVE for courses that will be taught in the upcoming term. The Set Reserves to Prepare report does the following.

Changes the instructor/course reserve record stage from INACTIVE to PREPARE
Changes the associated reserve control record status from DORMANT to COLLECT
Shows the number of reserve control records that were edited
Lists the items that need to be collected and brought to the Reserve Desk for the upcoming term

The Set Reserves to Prepare report automatically sets the Stage field in the Selection Criteria tab to INACTIVE by default. Although you can specify other selection criteria, no other settings are required to run the report.

What reports produce a pick up list for reserve items?

Two reports can produce a pickup list for reserve items. If the copy status of all of the reserve items has already been set to PICKUP, and you simply want a list of those items, use the Reserves Pickup List (Pickuplst) report. To change the copy status of requested items to PICKUP, produce a list of items to collect, display a shortfall list, and then use the Reserves Pickup List, Update (Rsvpickup) report.

The Recall for Reserve Notices (Recallrsvntc) report can be used to produce recall notices, based on checked-out items with a reserve copy status of PICKUP.

What report puts items on reserve for the current term?

When the requested materials to be put on reserve for the upcoming term have been collected and brought to the Reserves Desk, run the Set Reserves to Active (Setactive) report to update the individual instructor/course reserve record stage for each item from PREPARE to ACTIVE. The Set Reserves to Active report automatically sets the Stage field in the Selection Criteria tab to PREPARE by default. Although you can specify other selection criteria, no other settings are required to run the report.

The List Individual Reserves (Rsvlst) report can print a list of all items whose associated individual instructor/course records are set to ACTIVE. This list can be used to manually update the item’s reserve copy status to ON RESERVE with the Modify Reserve wizard. To generate this list, set the Stage field in the Selection Criteria tab to ACTIVE when you run the report.

What report takes items off reserve at the end of the term?

At the end of the term, when reserve materials are no longer needed, run the Set Reserves to Inactive (Setinactive) report to select active individual instructor/course reserve records for courses taught during the previous term that will not taught in the upcoming term.

The Set Reserves to Inactive report automatically sets the Stage field in the Selection Criteria tab to ACTIVE by default. Although you can specify other selection criteria, no other settings are required to run the report.

What report produces a reshelving list for reserve items?

Use the Reserves Reshelving List (Rsvreturn) report when you want to pull items from the Reserve Desk and route them to another location. Only reserve control records whose Status field is set to RETURN are considered.

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