FAQs: Charging Reserved Material
What causes SirsiDynix Symphony to block a charge on an item placed on reserve?
SirsiDynix Symphony can block the charge of a reserved item for two reasons.
If the charge exceeds the maximum number of reserve copies a user has simultaneously checked out, the user will be unable to check out the reserved item. |
If the user currently has overdue reserve charges, and the library policies are set to prevent users with overdue reserve materials from checking out reserve items, the user will be prevented from checking out the reserved item. |
The maximum number of reserve copies a user can have charged simultaneously is specified by the Reserve Charge Limit attribute in the User Profile policy. To prevent a user with overdue reserve charges from charging any more reserve material, the Overdue Block attribute must be set to Yes in the associated Reserve Desk policy.
How do I enter a special due date for a reserved item?
You can use the Special Due Date helper to specify a different due date and time for a reserve copy. This special due date overrides both the standard circulation rule and the alternate circulation rule defined in the associated Reserve Desk policy and reserve control record.
SirsiDynix Symphony can be configured to require an override code before a special due date can be accepted when charging or renewing reserves.
Note: If you use a barcode reader to enter the item identification, enter the special due date before scanning the item identification.
Click the Checkout wizard and type or scan the user identification in the User ID box. |
Click the Special Due Date helper. |
Enter the due date and time, or use the Calendar gadget to select a due date and time. |
Select the Use Special Date Due option you want. You have two options: |
From Now On uses the special due date you entered for the duration of the Checkout wizard session. |
For This Checkout Only uses the special due date you entered only for the item you are currently charging to the user. |
Click OK to return to the Checkout screen and continue the checkout process. |
How does the Reserve Desk policy affect item circulation?
Each Reserve Desk policy controls the circulation of reserve items using the following policy attributes.
Allow (Alternate Rules) determines whether an alternate circulation rule can be used. |
Automatically Applied (Alternate Rules) determines whether the alternate circulation rule is applied automatically. |
Not Allowed Until [ ] Minutes Before Closing specifies the number of minutes before the Reserve Desk closes that an alternate or manual circulation rule can be applied. |
Desk Hours lists the daily hours of the Reserve Desk. |
Due dates cannot occur outside of Reserve Desk hours. If the usual due date and time would occur when the Reserve Desk is closed, SirsiDynix Symphony sets the due date and time so the items are due at the Reserve Desk’s opening time on the next day the desk is open. These items will not begin accruing fines until after the Reserve Desk opens. You may also configure the Reserve Desk policies to use an alternate circulation rule if the user checks out an item within the number of minutes specified in the Not Allowed Until [ ] Minutes Before Closing Attribute.
How does the reserve control record affect item circulation?
The reserve control record has three fields that contain information about how SirsiDynix Symphony circulates associated reserve copies. SirsiDynix Symphony uses the information in these fields to determine how an item circulates, and when the item is due.
Circulation Rule – contains the name of the primary circulation rule used when charging reserved materials. When reserves are charged, SirsiDynix Symphony refers to the standard circulation rule value that was defined when the reserve control record was created. |
Alt Circ Rule – contains the name of the alternate circulation rule to use when charging reserved items within the specified minutes before closing, as defined in the Reserve Desk policy. |
Allow Manual Circ Rule – allows an exception to be made for an item at a given Reserve Desk and allows any valid circulation rule to be manually entered in the Alt. Circ Rule field. If this option is not selected, you cannot manually set an alternate circulation rule when charging a reserved item. |